Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Acting on your best behaviour

Jumper - H&M
Trousers - Missguided
Shoes - Topshop

It's rag week at Sixth Form this week, meaning we had to dress up for charity in a different costume depending on the theme each day of the week. Dig my costume? Kidding- although I did actually wear this along with some fluffy rabbit ears and tail for 'beginning letter of your name' day which er.. fell apart an hour after I got to school. Oops.

Songs of the week:
  1. Yellow Flicker Beat - Lorde
  2. Next Time You Call - Courteeners
  3. The Only One - Manchester Orchestra 
  4. Can I Get Witcha Love Club - Lorde vs. Biggie: Carter Mashup
Hope you're all having a good week!

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  1. Love the rollneck and the shoes are amazing!

  2. Lovely outfit, those trousers are perfect!

    //teandtwosugars.blogspot.com xx

  3. You put this together quite perfectly tbh


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