Hello! I was lucky enough to be tagged in the 'Liebster Award' for the second time by the lovely Laura from Pale Girl Reviews. For those who don't know how the Liebster Award works, here are the rules:
- Link back to the person that tagged you
- State 11 facts about yourself
- Answer the 11 set questions on the person that nominated you
- Nominate some blogs (with less than 200 followers) and set 11 questions for them
Here we go then!
1. My favorite drink is raspberry lemonade
2. I have an addiction to Coronation Street (grrrr Carl I hate you)
3. One of my life-long dreams is to travel to Borneo and work at the Orangutan Sanctuary
4. I love cats, I find myself often talking to my own as if she's human
5. I find it almost impossible to sleep past 10am, despite all my friends being able to until 2pm
6. I have/suffer from Misophonia
7. I am 15 years old, and my birthday is on the 12th of June
8. I fell from a climbing frame in France and fractured my skull when I was seven, leaving me permanently deaf with rather bad tinnitus (which is connected to misophonia, which I didn't know until I added in the wiki link, you learn something new everyday)
9. I am incredibly lazy
10. I have a strange addiction to Harry Potter
11. I live in South West London and I love how Central London is just a train ride away (hello, oxford street)
Laura's Questions:
1. Have you become addicted to any game apps? Any you'd recommend?
I'd say 'The Simpsons Tapped Out' is my most played app. You build your own Springfield and send the towns people on little missions, it's very addictive! I think thats the only game app I have, apart from Sonic. I usually download them and then get bored and delete them.
2. How did you learn to do your makeup?
About a year ago I started getting into doing my makeup properly, and I just taught myself really. I look up the odd tutorial now and then but mostly I just make it up as I go along.
3. Who's your current celebrity crush?
Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Oh my goodness, that man. I feel a photo is necessary:
Dungarees, for sure. I also really want to buy and wear high waisted bikini, just so I can get a bit of sun!
5. What movies are you looking forward to this year?
The new monsters inc film, Catching fire (second hunger games), Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters, Finding Dory (Finding Nemo sequel). I can't wait for them all; I'm such a child. I'm counting down the days until Catching fire!
6. Skirts or dresses?
Hmm, tough one. Skirts I think because you can interchange tops so it doesn't look like your wearing the same thing all of the time. Although I love dresses too!
7. What products do you use religiously?
My Johnson's face wash. I've been through about five bottles of it, I love it. I also use Soap and Glory's 'flake away' all the time, too.
8. Are you a gamer? What's your favorite game?
Even though it's really old (seven years I think) I love love love Zelda and the Twilight Princess on the Wii. It's so so so good. I can't stress how much I love this game, I've completed it about three times. If you haven't played this before then go and buy it, right now.
9. Do you prefer getting up late or getting up early?
I hate getting up early, but I don't really get up late very much either. I'm sort of in-between!
10. If you could go anywhere on holiday, where would you go?
Borneo, to chill with the Orangutans!
11. Do you like... cheese?
Haha, why yes I do like cheese ;)
My Questions:
1. What are you most looking forward to this year?
2. What trends are you most excited to try out this summer?
3. Favourite item of clothing?
4. Favourite beauty product?
5. Are you going to any festivals this year? If not, would you like to?
6. What is your biggest pet peeve?
7. Do you have any phobias?
8. What is the most embarrassing memory you can think of?
9. What is your favourite song of all time?
10. Describe yourself in three words.
11. Name five blogs you love.
I'm so bad at tagging people ahh so I'm going to be really annoying and say if you're reading this, consider yourself tagged (don't hate me).